sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

What does music mean to me?

What is music? Some people consider it as a fun way to spend free time. Others as a way to express oneself. And for many people, life would be music. I am from the last one.
When I hear music that I really like, I feel as if something bubbled inside of me. Like bubbles in a carbonated soda. It's an indescribable feeling. Emotions fill me: joy, sadness, anger, happiness... whatever!

The guitar is my favourite instrument, and although I can't play it yet, I have chills when I hear a good guitar solo. Really, what I feel is simply... wow! Like... I don't know...

·In other words: music is the most special thing I've always had. And it is all I need to be happy.

1 comentario:

  1. Heeey Saxx :D I fucking love it *-*!
    (Sí, me motivo hablando en inglés xdd)
    Miss ya<3 (Seeh, ahora hablaré como los BVB xDDD)
